Update: This proposal has been accepted and Nick Laybourn is now an EAS member. His details can be found in the Member Directory.
POSITION: Attorney / Partner
COMPANYNAME: Hunter Maclean
COMPANYPHONE: 912-236-0261
COMPANYCELL: 912-704-8518
COMPANYEMAIL: NLaybourn@huntermaclean,com
COMPANYWEBSITE: huntermaclean.com
YEARSTARTED: Late 1800’s
CLASSIFICATION: Large Law Firm Catagory
COMPANYADDRESS: 200 E.Saint Julian Street/P.O. Box 9848
Savannah, Ga. 31412PRODUCTSSERVICES: Full Service law firm located in Savannah and Brunswick Ga. and serving Savannah, Coastal Georgia as well as the State of Georgia
SPOUSE: Krissy Laybourn
HOMEPHONE: 912-704-8518
HOMEADDRESS: 120 Caroline’s Retreat
Savannah, Ga. 31406PROPOSEDBY: Drew Ernst
COMMENTS: Nick is an excellent business attorney with experience in representing numerous small and large companies in all their legal needs including litigation. It is proposed Nick replace Drew Ernst from Hunter Maclean who is retiring.
RECOMMENDEDBY2: Quentin Marlin