New Member: Christopher Sywassink

Update: This proposal has been accepted and Mr. Sywassink is now an EAS member. His details can be found in the Member Directory. POSITION: Business Owner COMPANYNAME: Ghost Coast Distillery COMPANYPHONE: COMPANYCELL: (912) 704-2707 COMPANYEMAIL:...

Proposed Member: Rob Poppell

Please see below for details of this proposal, which will be open for comment for the standard two-week period: POSITION: Corporate Sales/Owner COMPANYNAME: Rob COMPANYPHONE: Poppell COMPANYCELL: 912 373 4206 COMPANYEMAIL: COMPANYWEBSITE:...

Proposed Member: Danny Pinyan

Please see below for details of this proposal, which will be open for comment for the standard two-week period: POSITION: PRESIDENT COMPANYNAME: THE PINYAN COMPANY COMPANYPHONE: 912 238 0003 COMPANYEMAIL: dpinyan@pinyan .net COMPANYWEBSITE: YEARSTARTED:...

New Member: Bill Kurfman

Update: This proposal has been accepted and Mr. Kurfman is now an EAS member. His details can be found in the Member Directory. MEMBER_NAME: Bill Kurfman POSITION: Site Manager COMPANYNAME: Creative Packaging COMPANYPHONE: 912-966-5501 COMPANYCELL: 630-337-3750...

Board member change

Drew Ambos has resigned as a Board member and been replaced by Shawn Boaen to serve the remainder of his term, which runs to May 2018.

New Member: Eddie Horne

Update: This proposal has been accepted and Mr. Horne is now an EAS member. His details can be found in the Member Directory. MEMBER_NAME: Eddie Horne POSITION: Branch Manager COMPANYNAME: Southern Pipe & Supply COMPANYPHONE: 912-247-8180 COMPANYCELL: 912-247-8180...

New Member: Roland Haskins

Update: This proposal has been accepted and Mr. Haskins is now an EAS member. His details can be found in the Member Directory. MEMBER_NAME: Roland Haskins POSITION: Owner/CEO COMPANYNAME: Haskins-Doyle Chemical and Supply COMPANYPHONE: 706-733-7003 COMPANYCELL:...

New Member: Jason Usry

Update: This proposal has been accepted and Mr. Usry is now an EAS member. His details can be found in the Member Directory. MEMBER_NAME: Jason Usry POSITION: Creative Services Director COMPANYNAME: WJCL ABC 22 COMPANYPHONE: 912-925-0022 COMPANYCELL: 912-704-5284...